Monday, January 6, 2014

On Death and Living

Blog post #407 of 365

I am not afraid of death. My belief in a here after helps me know I will return to the loving arms of those who have gone before me.

Sadness however fills me at the thought of the day I will no longer be here with those who love me here. It is that being in more than one place at a time challenge. I am guessing there is an ability to feel those who have passed afterward as they watch over us. However feeling their presence isn't the same as hugging them or talking to them just one more time. That thought pushes me to make an effort to hug often and well,to say what is in my heart no matter what.

After I leave this life please don't go nuts. I don't want hoopla. I don't want tears unless they are of the joys we shared. I don't want regret for the things we should have done together or said to each other. Because I am making a strong effort to connect with people who are that important to me. You should too. Mend fences, hug when you have the opportunity because regrets will tear at you!

Don't stick me in an over priced coffin and bury me in a plot in the field with a bunch of other decaying dead people. They charge a ton just to dig the hole and fill it in. Then there is the big cement liner involved and why? The grave marker will cost another arm or leg and you might feel compelled to have to place some cut flowers or potted plant there from time to time or worse ignore that over priced death memorial. I don't want that.

Cremation or donation are the only options I feel comfortable with. If my body is donated and goes to good use by some medical student or crime students in a body farm cool! What better gift could I give after I'm gone. Also if there are any good parts left feel free to harvest those and pass it on to someone who needs it. Otherwise just cremate me and spread the ashes about. A little in the mountains, some in the ocean, some in the yard, a little handful in Disneyland... if you could. Then when my loved ones go witness the power of the ocean know I am happily there. Or when you look up at or hike in the mountain know I am there as well. My spirit will never be far from Disneyland. I love the happiest place on Earth.

I know there are some who want the monument. Some who wish for tears and mourning but I'm not that way. Don't go to that expense. Don't mourn me after I am gone. Remember me. Keep me with you and carry me in your heart. In your memories I will always remain.

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