Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 Goals

Blog post #406 of  365

One of my friends posted a list of goals for 2014 on her social media page. Well, she re-posted a list of goals to do daily that was going around and the list got me thinking. These are some pretty good goals. Here is my twist on the list and my thoughts on how I can attain these goals for myself this year. (How long again until something becomes a habit?)

It began with feeding my soul. I believe this can be attained by finding something every day that either inspires, uplifts or is new. Like listening to a new artist, band or song even, reading scriptures or poetry or a good book, enjoying a new place or person should work.

Then on to laughter. This one should be easy because I have a twisted sense of humor and find myself laughing every day at every day things or in some cases I seek out laughter every day.

The next is to be mindful. To me it means pay attention. This is also something I try to do every day. Some days more successfully than others but because I try it happens often. I like to think about how to see things from another's perspective. Caring for my kids, friends, and family members has helped me to become more keenly aware of perspective and therefore more mindful.

On to being creative. Well that is me. I mean I have had to be creative for as long as I can remember. Especially as a single parent for many years raising five kids kinda. It kind of makes ya have to think outside the box a little. Not to mention I make most gifts I give because it means more and shows I put some thought into the gift.

This next one might be a little difficult for me, pamper myself in practical ways. Well the practical ways part I have down because I am too logical not to be practical but I have never been into pampering myself. Well maybe in allowing myself time to read or meditate or nap? I'll have to think this one through a little more I think. If you have any ideas please feel free to send a comment...

Sigh, to move every day (aka exercise). I was so good at this. Really me who never thought exercise could be a part of life she would enjoy did. For over a year then I had a car accident and it became less of a daily habit. I will have to work hard on the daily part with this one. Having fibro makes it tough but I will stretch and do yoga on those really bad days. (That counts right?)

Loving unconditionally has become a way of life for me. I understand that love isn't love if there are strings attached. But I think I will combine mindfully loving unconditionally to this one. That will allow me to fulfill this list!

Listening to my thoughts and creating new ones. For this last one I will be journaling my thoughts beyond this blog with an actual pen & paper. I promise to check in monthly to keep myself on my toes.

For someone who does not believe in resolutions I figure a list of goals should work out much better!

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