Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Blog post #152 of 365

As the seasons change the kinds of pollen in the air change. Things bloom and life becomes a challenge. It matters not which season but spring is especially bad.

Every spring we get wasps, bees, yellow jackets, mud daubers and every year it is a battle to keep these beasts at bay. Yup I'm allergic.

Every spring there are bushes all over the city that bloom with sweet smelling white or pink flowers. I mean everywhere. In yards, parking lots, medians, and anywhere you might find a bush. They are the worst. I really should find out what they are.

I have to think about everything I put in my mouth. Who made it? Is there a chance it has one of my allergens in it? Potlucks church dinners and eating with friends or family can be full of surprises for someone like me with food allergies.

Please don't get offended if I ask what is in it, refuse to eat something or have to cover my nose or hold my breath. To those I must stay away from or move away from it could be your detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hairspray, perfume, lotion or any number of things that set off my allergies. Again please do not take offense. Is our friendship so shaky that you'd rather see me struggle to breathe than to move where breathing is easier?

No, I'm not sick. When my allergies strike I cough. Once the coughing starts it takes a while for it to leave. Sometimes it takes days or weeks. You see the coughing makes my body feel like it is still under attack. I don't normally wheeze and it throws people off. If you see swelling in my lips, eyes or face it is my allergies.

Just a heads up. Allergies are different for everybody.

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