Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Musings

Blog post #444 of 365

I am a romantic but not in the sense most would consider romantic. Like the giving of flowers or candy on Valentine's day is not romantic to me. Candlelight dinner is not romantic to me. To me romance is random acts of kindness to the person you love. Being thoughtful is key. Coming home from a long day and unexpectedly having fresh sheets on the bed or dinner made is way more romantic to me than celebrating one day in a crowded restaurant or with cheesy stuffed critters or a box of chocolates, I can probably only eat a few of (allergies.) Romance is surprising me with something I want or need for no specific reason other than you love me. Romance is stepping up and not lingering in the background.

It upsets me when people say 'I don't celebrated Valentine's day' because I do. I make sure everyone I love knows it. I wish them a good day, remind them they are loved and try to do something nice for them if I can. But to me on Valentine's day the best thing is to be reminded I am loved and remind others they are loved as well. Simple I know but it is what I feel the day is about.

This is my Valentine's day I woke up and messages or texted about 2 dozen people. Telling them they are thought of and loved. Then I plan to go shopping and make a nice meal for the family. Very romantic huh? That is it because for me the most romantic day shouldn't be Valentine's day. Romance should be a day or time specific to the people involved and not on or to the day shared by the entire commercialize world!

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