Sunday, February 9, 2014

Losing People

Blog post #439 of 365

I have a friend who after conquering several kinds of illnesses finally lost her battle. Her biggest fear was passing on a holiday or someone's birthday. We had a long talk about the inconvenience of death and how you would think the Lord would take into account the people who love the one who has passed on. We both figure He knows what He is doing and we will be let in on his secrets in His time.

Then we talked about how people say they 'lost' someone. She said we aren't losing anyone as long as we hold our memories of them in our hearts. She made me promise to keep her memories with me always and the funny thing is every time someone says they have 'lost' someone I think of her. It is a clever way of her to remind me of the good times we shared as friends.

The sad part is for some they did lose. They lost time by holding grudges, being angry and in other ways did not take advantage of the opportunities they had or could have had to spend time together.

There are those too who never get the chance to spend time together. Real time I mean. In the last year a few young friends had stillbirths. Stillbirth and having any child die have to be the hardest trials anyone would have to endure. I never understood the mourning process of miscarriage or stillbirth until watching a few close friends go through it. That is the real lost people. The parents of the child they won't see in this lifetime.

I hope you won't mourn the loss of the people you love. I hope you will take the opportunity to love and spend time with the people who mean the most to you. Later I hope you carry their memory in your heart for all the days you have remaining, appreciating every moment you had together as the gift it truly was.

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