Wednesday, July 8, 2009


My children have great friends. Through the years they have formed friendships that are deep and lasting. Many of their friends have become an extended part of our family. In ten years I imagine my children will still have a bond with many of the friends they have today along with even more friends. I can imagine it because I am friends with people I have know for more than 35 years.

I was flipping through TV channels when I can across Paris Hilton and a show where she is trying to find a new BFF (Best Friend Forever) but why? Webster defines best as "excelling all others" and friends as "one attached to another by affection or esteem." I can't imagine trying to find a best friend through a television show. Not much reality in that reality show!

My daughters would often give each other a hard time about best friends. One would say it is impossible to have more than one best friend while the other said every friend could be a best friend. I tend to disagree with both of them. It is possible to have more than one best friend but I think it would be exhausting if every friend were a best friend.

Best friend relationships take a long time to foster but are worth every moment. The best part is once the relationship is solid the effort isn't as necessary. Trust and history are the key elements in best friends. I guess it is possible to be best friends without history or trust but I predict an epic failure. You can try but is isn't worth the effort!

Best friends are those people you don't have to see every day to understand and they get you as well. They love you and every flaw you have. They may not agree with you and at times they may not even like you but they always love you!

To all of my best friends. I love you and trust you. I am so lucky to have you in my life! Thanks!!

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