Monday, June 15, 2009

Is love possible

Is it possible to love someone you haven't met yet? If you hear and see enough about someone anything is possible. Do I mean a deep passionate lasting kind of love? No but it's a start and in time, with work who knows.

Is it possible to love someone if they don't know it? I have said you can love someone you haven't met so sure you can have a one sided love. When you are around someone enough to get to really get to know them it is possible to fall in love. The trick is to not let things get out of hand. Friendship is usually the first step to falling in love.

Is it possible to love someone if they don't feel the same way? Love is a two way street. It is possible but if it is not reciprocated it is unhealthy and can be a problem. It takes two. If you find yourself in love that is not returned move on. If you are on the receiving end don't be cruel by taking advantage of the situation. Make sure to make your intentions very clear and be merciful.

Is it possible to love someone if you have never kissed or held hands before? Absolutely. Love based on friendship starts in a way that is more natural. It develops slowly into real love that allows for feelings to grow long before a hand is held or a kiss is shared. Getting physical too soon will sometimes stop real love before it has a chance to develop.

Is it possible to love someone if you have only been best friends? The best loves develop this way. Best friends really know each other and finding that bond in a relationship is a great gift. Being best friends does not mean love will kindle it only means it is possible.

Is it possible to live your life without ever knowing love? Yes but I don't recommend it.

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