Thursday, May 26, 2011

Soul Mate

It bugs me when people say they have met their soul mate. That they have found the one person they are supposed to spend the rest of their life with. I do believe that love can last forever. I do believe that some people fit together well. But only one I’m not so sure.

I believe there are soul mates. People whose souls touch, match, and belong or what have you. I believe that friendships and loves can be soul matches but I also believe people can be blinded by love and jump in too quickly to know if the match is real and lasting.

The problem I have with the idea of a soul mate is in believing there is one person meant for one person and none other in the world. If that were true what are the chances of these two individuals meeting at the right time in the right circumstance. I’d say it is pretty slim or even never. If you never meet your “soul mate” does that mean you remain alone for life? What if you meet the perfect match but are not aware until it’s too late or you meet too late to have the match work. For instance if you were to meet after you or they are married to someone else. That would negate the idea of one and only one true love. What happens when you loose a spouse. Does that mean you will never have love again?

I believe you meet people through your life that you connect with on a level more deep than a casual acquaintance, on a level deep down to your soul. I believe that souls connect. But I also believe that some of those connections are meant to be lasting friendships and not simply the love of our life.

I have a few friends, both male and female who are connected to my soul. People who get me and love me no matter what, and who I get on that same level. Those are the people in my life who know me so well they understand me before I even have to explain myself. The kind of friend I may not see or hear from for long periods of time but can catch up with in a matter of minutes. The kind of friend who I can talk to for hours and never ever run out of topics or things to laugh about. I feel fortunate and blessed to have known and loved these people. I know I am loved and it is a good feeling.

I have been married twice and both times I can say I loved them. However I can also say I understand why it didn’t work and why we aren’t together anymore. Am I looking for the one true love? Nope! For me love will happen when it’s ready. I am old enough to recognize love when I experience it and smart enough to enjoy the opportunity should it arise. May everyone find love at least once in their lives and have as many “soul mates” as they connect with.

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