One problem is maintenance. It seems like for some the bushes are scraping our cars before someone comes to trim them. They are often too small for a standard mower so weedeaters are used instead of mowers. These weedeaters usually toss pebbles and bits of debris at vehicles as they pass. The probability of them being "mowed" as I pass is in direct proportion to my window being in the down position. The maintenance personnel use cones as a buffer to protect themselves from passing vehicles being dangerously close which I understand but they block the turn lane altogether. There is also the types of plants placed in these hardscapes. Some have strongly smelling plant life that cause the allergies to flair up while others have trees that quickly grow too large for the space and require the roots to be trimmed and the curbs to be repaired or replaced over and over.
The second problem is the tendency for these pockets to be really tiny allowing very few vehicles to actually enter the turn pocket before it becomes blocked by vehicles going straight.
Lately I’ve noticed the trend to make the hardscaped dividers narrower along with all of the lanes until there is enough space to make it a two lane turn pocket. The problem with this idea is they are still too short to allow vehicles inside before being blocked by those going straight. Lately it often takes one or more frustrating lights just to enter the two lane turn pocket and one more frustrating light to actually make the left turn.
I’m sure some genius spent a lot of time designing this new two lane turn pocket but they didn’t think it through very well. What were they thinking?