Monday, February 18, 2013


Blog post #95 of 365

In our family we can talk. Once you get us started we just don't stop. All of us can talk a blue streak. My kids get embarrassed by how easily I can talk to a total stranger. They may not realize it but they can too.

By everyone I mean everyone. Both of my parents and both of their parents. All of my siblings and all of our children. There are signs pointing to all of their children being talkers too. Oddly enough all four of my half siblings are talkers as well.

Sometimes being a talker is blessing. I can usually talk my way into or out of anything. But sometimes it is a curse. Just think time management.

I was shy. didn't talk to anyone I didn't know. I don't remember when it changed but it did.

I'm good with public speaking. I can lead a group. I taught and loved that spotlight for the teaching moments and loved the feedback and proof they were listening through grades and whatnot.

Words can be hurtful though. I mean really bad. So here is the key. Think before you speak. Is it truthful? Is it honest? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? (That one in a conversation can be optional.) Is it  kind? If it falls under one of those categories talk away.

The other thing to remember is listening is the other half of talking. If while in conversation you aren't listening but are instead trying to formulate a response or worse a defense then you are failing as a good speaker.

Knowing your audience is also important. I can talk to strangers but When speaking to a group, teaching, or public speaking it is important to know who you are speaking to and avoid offending people.

Talking is good so keep it up but don't forget silence is golden. At times priceless beyond measure. Sometimes you just have to let it rest.

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