Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let It Out

Blog post #403 of 365

Internalizing isn't good. Sometimes life doesn't go smoothly. Sometimes crap happens that really get under your skin. When it happens sometimes you just need to let it out. No good can come from pretending everything is okay, normal, perfect. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect so pretending it is won't make things better. It isn't good for your health.

So let it out.

Okay I'm not saying go postal or even to whine on social media. I'm saying not to take it out on yourself or those around you. Write it down, go to a secluded place or turn up the radio and scream it out (not while driving or at an ungodly hour though), vent to a friend who will forgive you later or get creative and think of a different productive way to get it all out of your system. Leaving it in will poison you, make you surly or fatten you up. Don't do that. Love yourself more than that.

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