Friday, March 15, 2013


Blog post #120 of 365

I just heard a kid tell me they were bored. Really? She has shelves full of toys, a TV with several child friendly channels, craft projects to do, drawing materials, painting materials, sidewalk chalk, books and homework. How on Earth can she be bored?

What she really meant was I want some attention. This kid would do anything to gain positive attention. If I am cleaning, working in the yard, folding laundry or any chore she asks if she can help. She did her schoolwork best if she was snuggled next to me. If I asked her to do some while I was busy doing something else she would distract herself, ask a million questions or intentionally do it wrong. She soaks in information. She works really hard to remember stuff she learns. My kids loved learning too but I never had trouble with them intentionally drawing out homework.

She is also skeptical when I would say I have something fun to do. The girl who finds it fun to do chores doesn't know how to just relax a little and be a kid. She doesn't play pretend. Her imagination isn't encouraged. It is a trip. My kids always loved being crafty, creative, silly and being a kid. They knew if I said there would be fun involved there would be fun involved.

The thing I find most funny is when my kids said "I'm bored I'd give them a chore to do." They hated being given a chore. Wow. Just wow.

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