Friday, December 6, 2013

A Little Goal This Holiday Season

Blog post #383 of 365

It seems like it happens every year. I give gift I make for the holidays. I have made blankets, scarves, clothes, toys, crafts and painted countless paintings. I'm good at it and I enjoy the creative process. I have started in January and June and sometimes the very last minute. It seems that no matter when I start I never get everything done until December. I guess it is like getting ready for school/work/church or whatever and I get prepared but the more prepared I feel I am the more relaxed I am. Relaxed isn't always good for me.

So for the better part of two months I haven't been myself. Sick. Simple as that. Before that Mom was in the hospital and had a surgery. She is well now but it put a chink in the process because we live in a tiny house with no place to spread out and make a big mess that someone doesn't have to walk past. I never knew when she was coming home to I didn't make a totally mess of things. Also a bunch of that time I was getting the house ready for a large family party (mostly done outside since the house is more than tiny.) I probably should have had stuff done but I didn't. I still don't.

This week on Sunday I made a goal to accomplish something every day toward getting Christmas done. So far so good. I actually got more done than I thought I might. The question is what if I have a bad day? I will have bad days. Today was pretty bad but I got something done anyway. Is it good to make a daily goal or would it be better to make the long term goal only? So many questions about this goal. Until I figure it our I'll just keep plugging along.

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