Monday, July 8, 2013

Thinking About Stuff - Conclusions I Made

Blog post #234

Keep looking for God. He is here but you need to keep your eyes open to the possibility in order to see Him.
God speaks in a multitude of ways.
Never be afraid to ask but do not neglect to listen and watch for your answer.
Life is what you make it. It isn't about money or prestige. I thought I could only do things if I had money but there is so much you can do without money it is worth the search.
My family loves me. I'm not perfect but they accept me flaws and all.
Friends worth keeping stick around. Treasure them.
Listening is always important.
Trust is earned.
Learning from my mistakes is important but learning from the mistakes of others means I can go through it from afar but that I should learn from the experience as well.
Crap happens to everyone. Lose the idea that "It won't happen to me" or "I am the exception" You almost never are and nobody is exempt from life's challenges or heartaches.
Uplift others. They will be more likely to uplift you too.
Romance is different for everyone. Mine might not match yours so what.

These are my thoughts. You don't have to agree.

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